Vendor Payment Fields Lightning Experience

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up a payment. Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Payment Summary

The following fields are summary fields that are displayed in the payment summary area of the Vendor Payment Lightning page.

Field   Description
Discount Date   The date on which the discount was applied.
Payment Date   The date on which the payment was made.
Payment Total   Sum of gross values of all transaction lines minus all discounts, in payment currency.

The status could be "Proposed", "Ready to Post", "Posting", "Matched", "Canceled", "Part Canceled", and "Paid".

Transactions Proposed   Count of the number of transactions proposed.
Vendors Proposed   Count of the number of vendors in the proposal.

Payment Details

The following fields are displayed in the payment details tab of the Vendor Payment Lightning page.

Field   Description
Company   The company that owns this record.

Description of this payment proposal.

Due Date (To)  

Filter by accounts due date. Transaction lines with a due date on or before this date are included in the list of accounts to pay/collect.

Payment Date  

The date of the payment, which appears on the check or in the bank file.

If this is the first time you have specified a payment date, this automatically becomes the default discount date. If you amend the payment date later, the discount date remains unchanged.

The payment date is also the date used for the cash entry and any transactions that are generated from the payment.

If left blank, the current date is auto-populated.

Payment Template  

The name of the template. Each template name must be unique within a company.

For more information about the Payment template fields for Lightning Experience, see Payment Details Template Fields.



The period to post the cash entries and any discount and currency write-off journals to. This must be an open trading period in your current company (excluding special periods).

If left blank, derives the period associated with the payment date.

Payment Information

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Bank Account * The bank account you want the payment to debit from. This field is auto-populated if the information is available in the Payment Details Template.
Discount Date *

The date used to calculate any settlement discounts that can be deducted from the payment. This defaults to the payment date, but you can change it up until the status of the proposal becomes "Proposed". If you want to change it after that, you must remove all transactions from the proposal and start again.

See the description of the Payment Date field for defaulting behavior.

Local Clearing System   The local clearing system associated with this payment. This field is mandatory only when the payment destination is "Domestic".
Payment Currency *

In a multi-currency org, this is the currency that you want to pay in. The default is the bank account currency. In a single-currency org, this defaults to the corporate currencyClosed.

You can only pay documents that are denominated in this currency.

Payment Destination  

Choose either "Domestic" or "International" from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory for Asperato payment method.

Payment Method * Choose either "Check", "Electronic" or "Asperato". You can include accounts on a check run that are set up to pay electronically, and vice versa. You do not need to amend the default payment method on the account.
Select Invoices for Separate Payments  

If selected, this checkbox indicates that a separate payment is created for each invoice selected for payment. Deselect this checkbox to create a single payment at account level for all the invoices selected for payment. This checkbox is only available if your payment method is other than Electronic.

Posting Information

Key: * – Mandatory field; ** – Mandatory in multi-currency orgs only.

Field   Description
Currency Write-Off GLA ** Any currency write-off created by the matching process will be posted to this GLA. Not relevant (or displayed) in a single-currency org. The Currency Write-Off fields are auto-populated if the information is available in the Payment Details Template.
Currency Write-Off Dimension 1-4   Any analysis dimensions that you want to apply to currency write-offs.
Currency Write-Off Loss GLA   The currency exchange loss GLA. Required for some countries where currency gains and losses must be differentiated.
Currency Write-Off Local GLA ** Any currency write-off created by the matching process will be posted to this GLA. Not relevant (or displayed) in a single-currency org.
Local Currency Write-Off Dimension 1-4   Any analysis dimensions that you want to apply to currency write-offs.
Local Settlement Discount * Any discounts that you deduct from this payment will be posted to this GLA.
Local Settlement Discount Dimension 1-4   Any analysis dimensions that you want to apply to settlement discounts.
Settlement Discount GLA * Any discounts that you deduct from this payment will be posted to this GLA.
Settlement Discount Dimension 1-4   Any analysis dimensions that you want to apply to settlement discounts.

Payment Lines

This tab displays the payment proposal with the information specified during the new payment creation. The information displayed is based on the payment template criteria if a template is selected while creating a new payment. The lines are categorized based on Company accounts. This tab is available only on the Vendor Payment Lightning page.

Field   Description
Check number   Unique check number assigned to a transaction. These check numbers are retrieved from the Bank Account check ranges.

Sum of all settlement discounts for all transaction lines, in payment currency. These are calculated based on the payment date and the potential discounts and dates calculated when the documents were posted.

For more information about discount calculation in Lightning Experience, see About Discount Calculations in Vendor Payment Lightning.

Document Number   Number of the originating document.
Due Date  

Filter by accounts due date. Transaction lines with a due date on or before this date are included in the list of accounts to pay/collect.

Outstanding Value   Original sum of the outstanding values of all transaction lines, in payment currency, before any refinements. This value is fixed.
Payment Value   Sum of gross values of all transaction lines minus all discounts, in payment currency.
Transaction Number   Unique number assigned to a transaction.
Vendor Document Number   Unique number assigned to a vendor document.

Matched Payments

This section lists other documents that match with the current document. It is blank if the current document has not been matched.

Related Tab

The Related tab is only available on the Vendor Payment Lightning page and consist of the following options:

Field   Description
Cancel Payment Logs   Lists the log files for the canceled payments. For more information, see Cancel Payment Control and Log Fields.
Cash Entries   Lists the cash entries associated with the payment record.
Matching References   Lists the matching transactions related to the payment.
Payment Details   Lists the payment details for the payment record.
Payment Logs   Lists the log files for the payments.
Notes & attachments   Lists the notes and attachments that are available for the payment.
Files   Any file related to the payment can be selected from the local folder or dragged into the files tab area and uploaded.


These buttons are only available on the Vendor Payment Lightning page.

Field Description
Cancel Payment

Cancels the payment partially or fully. You can cancel a payment only after it is posted and matched. For more information, see Canceling Payments in Lightning Experience.

For more information about Cancel Payment fields, see Cancel Payment Fields Lightning.

Edit Proposal This button is available in the Payment Proposal grid. Click to edit the proposal. For more information, see Editing Proposals.
Email Remittances

Sends remittances through email. To send remittances, click Email Remittances. Before sending remittances through email, ensure all accounts have finance contacts defined and that the contacts have valid email ids specified. If there are no errors, you will be directed to the Email Remittances Conga Batch window. Click Start to start sending email remittances in batches through the Conga third party tool.

The procedure for Conga batch with Payments Plus is the same for Vendor Payments. For more information on sending email remittances using Conga batch, setting up remittance emails, and downloading PDF of remittances, see Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting

Note: This button is visible only when the payment status is "Matched" or "Part Paid".
New Click New, to open the New Payment window. Specify the required information to create a payment proposal.
Pay Now Create, post, and match cash entries when using the Asperato payment method. This button is visible only when the payment status is “Proposed”.
Post & Match Posts and matches the proposed payment. The proposal moves to posting status until it is posted and then to Matched status once the matching is complete. This is only displayed where the total payment amount is zero. For more information, see Creating Payment Proposals.
Prepare Electronic Creates electronic payment transaction for a proposed payment. Once the electronic is prepared, the payment proposal is moved to the "Ready to Post" status. You can only create electronic payment transaction for a payment proposal which is in "Proposed" status. For more information, see Creating Payment Proposals.
Prepare Checks Creates check payment transaction for a proposed payment. Once the checks are prepared, the payment proposal is moved to the "Media Prepared" status. You can only create check payment transaction for a payment proposal which is in "Proposed" status. For more information, see Creating Payment Proposals.
Print Checks

Print checks using Conga third-party software. The procedure for Conga batch with Payments Plus is the same for Vendor Payments. For more information on printing with Conga batch, see Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting


Ensure you have Conga Integration Fall 2018, or later installed to print checks and remittances.

Print Remittances

Prints remittances using Conga third party software. To print remittances, click Print Remittances.

The procedure for Conga batch with Payments Plus is the same for Vendor Payments. For more information on printing with Conga batch, see Printing with Conga Batch from Accounting

  • This button is visible only when the payment status is "Matched" or "Part Paid".
  • Ensure you have Conga Integration Fall 2018, or later installed to print checks and remittances.
Remove Accounts from Proposal Removes the selected accounts and associated transaction lines from the proposal. On clicking this button, you need to select the accounts to be removed as well as provide reasons for removing accounts from the proposal. All dynamic totals on the page are updated. This button is available in the Payment Lines grid only when the proposal is in “Ready to Post” status. For more information, see Creating Payment Proposals.

The following buttons are displayed on the Add Payment Lines window of the Payments Lightning page.

Buttons Description
Reset Resets the filter criteria to default values.
Clear Clears the specified filter criteria.

Applies the specified filter criteria. The new transactions matching the filter criteria are listed and they are unselected. You can select the required transactions to be included in the proposal. For more information, see Filtering Transactions for Proposals.